Locate beautiful, classic Photographer packages with Family Photographer San Antonio

Family Photographer San Antonio
I can't tell you how many clients have said to me during or after the session, "That was amazing, newborn photography is a lot harder than I thought!" Here's a secret - it's not hard for me because it's what I do and it's what I love! But, here's another secret - working with days old babies is VERY different than older kids, even babies. Check out Family photography San Antonio services.
Newborns are touchy, tiny and have needs (like, now!). Good newborn photographers can "read" the baby (they send us signals, you know!). They can judge when baby needs to eat, be wrapped up more (or less), doesn't like a pose, needs a cuddle from mom, etc. Family photographer San Antonio have LEARNED skills that are honed over time by handling and being around newborns.
Newborns can easily be startled and need confident hands to soothe them back to calmness. Newborn photographers also have tricks up their sleeve to help with soothing young infants (my favorite – the Baby Shusher). Newborn photography sessions last longer than regular sessions. Sometimes 2-3 hours to leave time for feeding, snuggling and clean up. A newborn photographer must be patient, never in a rush and ready for anything. Your baby will probably cry, pee and poop, these are things that newborns do.
Family Photographer San Antonio photographers are skilled in lighting, posing and, hopefully, how to use their camera. But, with newborn photography, it takes much, much more than just these basic skills to be successful. Newborn babies are just days old and are tiny.

Newborns also require some finesse in the retouching (so they don't look too plastic-y or splotchy). Be sure if you are choosing a company that you ask if the work that you see on their website is by the same person who will be photographing your baby and doing the retouching. Professional photographers San Antonio should also be safety trained in baby posing, newborn handling and should be fully vaccinated and insured.
When you were young, you may have memories of going to a chain store or a studio to have your picture taken. While this is still an option, you should consider having your newborn photography session in your home. At home, you can keep baby warm and germ free. You don’t need to pack up and drag dad and big brother along for a ride. Your home becomes part of the story, which is an amazing way to be able to look back and remember the exact moments your baby arrived home. And, for baby, to see what their home looked like when they were born. Locate pregnancy photography San Antonio shoot for lifetime memory.
It makes me so sad when I get a call from a frantic mom who is worried that her baby is “too old” for a newborn session. No baby is ever “too old” for a newborn session. Yes, it’s true that babies are more likely to stay curly and sleepy within their first two week of life. But, there are many instances where this is debatable. If a baby is born early, they are generally sleepy up until and a little past their due date. Baby photography San Antonio services for a perfect shoot.
If a baby is 7 pounds or under they are usually sleepier for a few extra days after they are born. Formula fed babies are often easier to get to sleep as breastfed babies usually want to eat more often (but may calmed easier if it’s comfort they are seeking). If a baby has had a procedure (circumcision or tongue tie procedure for example), they may need a few days for recovery. If a baby takes a pacifier or loves to be wrapped, you may be able to get the “newborn” look for a little longer. Sometimes, babies just have a little personality that is not very sleepy (this can even be seen in a 1-2 week old!). Let’s celebrate your baby and listen to them during your session with baby photographer San Antonio shoot services.
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